Thoracic surgery
On the lungs, the eraser is the gold standard in metastasis surgery. It allows unmatched tissue-saving, gentle and cost-effective as well as complete removal of central and multiple tumours.
The so-called precision resection is preferably carried out with a sterile laser fibre in contact with the tissue at a distance of a couple of millimetres from the tumour edge. The use of a laser fibre instead of a lens hand piece and the high output rating of the laser minimise the heat exposure of the lungs and guarantee a well assessable resectate. The fibre is thereby guided like a scalpel and facilitates thanks to the direct contact with the tissue the cutting procedure in comparison with a lens hand piece. The heat occurring counteracts a tumour cell spread.
Thanks to this technique, a large number of metastases can be removed from the lung without losing hardly any healthy tissue and even previously inoperable patients in terms of technology can be treated in a cost-effective manner.
In addition to metastasis surgery, benefits also arise in other parenchyma resections on the lungs, such as segment resections. Here, an anatomical resection can be carried out with the laser that is not negatively affected by the rigid geometry of an instrument such as when bracket stitch devices are used.
See H.C. Dienemann et. al. (eds.), Chest Surgery, Springer Surgery Atlas Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12044-2_13, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Surival rates after complete resection of metastases of 415 patients; source: Prof. Dr. med. Axel Rolle
Survival rates of patients with different numbers metastases after complete removal by eraser laser (1 metastasis = 99 patients, 2-9 metastases = 216 patients, 10 metastases an more = 100 patients) ; Quelle: Prof. Dr. med. Axel Rolle